Canning tomatoes recipes – food preserving

Canning tomatoes is great especially for those who like Italian cuisine. Especially tomatoes canned in their own juice serve us all year round as a great basis for many Italian recipes. Of course we can also use them for our classic tomato sauce and soup. Tomatoes are canned in August at the peak of the season, when there are the most and have an excellent taste. We choose tomato varieties suitable for canning. Can fully ripe fruit.

Canning tomatoes. Canned tomatoes. Tomatoes canned in their own juice. Food preserving. Preserving recipes.
Canning tomatoes

What you need for canning tomatoes:

  • tomatoes
  • herbs to taste (basil, thyme, chili peppers, garlic)
  • canning jar
 Canning recipes. │food preservation│home canning tomatoes│homemade recipe│how to can│how to preserve│home cannig│how to can tomatoes│tomatoes recipes│canned tomatoes│
To can tomatoes, we need tomatoes, herbs

Wash all ingredients thoroughly. We select only high-quality, well-ripened fruits.

Cut the tomatoes into quarters and put them in clean jars.

Tomatoes can be scalded and peeled, or can be canned with peel (after being opened, they can be easily peeled).

Press the tomatoes into the glasses properly. If we want to produce flavored tomatoes, we interlay the individual layers of tomatoes with well-washed herbs, according to our taste.

Wipe the glass clean with a clean napkin, close the lid tightly and boil at 80 ° C for 30 min.

We use such cooked tomatoes throughout the year as a semi-finished product for various recipes.

For tomato sauce, tomato soup, pasta sauces…

If we choose the variant with herbs, we have a great semi-finished product for preparing pasta sauces.

Preserved tomatoes will serve as a source of vitamins throughout the winter.

Preservation tomatoes. Preserving tomatoes in their own juice. Tomatoes canned in their own juice. Preserved food. Canning tomatoes recipes . Homemade recipe.
 Tomatoes canned in their own juice with herbs

Try our more canning home recipes as well.

Canning and canned tomatoes. Do you have a lot of tomatoes on your garden? Try home food preservation. How to can tomatoes? Home canning is easy way, how to preserve various vegetable or fruits. With canning, you will avoid wasting food. How to can tomatoes? Canning recipes. │food preservation│home canning tomatoes│homemade recipe│how to can│how to preserve│home cannig│how to can tomatoes│tomatoes recipes│canned tomatoes│ #food #preservation #preserve #tomatoes #canning #can #recipe #homemade
Canning tomatoes – homemade recipe, food preservation

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