What pear cake is the best? It’s the end of summer, the pear season. We wondered what pear dessert to bake today. We chose a sourdough pear pie on a baking sheet. This is our proven best recipe for yeast dough. This cake is very soft and tasty. It’s the best recipe for sourdough cake dough. The dough recipe is designed for one baking tray. Yeast desserts are a classic that never disappoints.

Pear cake with crumble topping can be baked even by beginning bakers, dough preparation is not complicated. We need approximately two hours of time and we can get started. For a yeast pie with pears we choose sweet ripe pears, which add a bit of flavour to the dessert. Wash the pears, remove the stems and the cores and cut them into thin slices or small pieces.
- 200 ml lukewarm milk
- 20 g yeast
- 300 g plain flour
- 2 tablespoons caster sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 30 g butter
- pinch of salt
- ripe pears
- ground cinnamon
- vanilla sugar

Prepare the sourdough by crumbling yeast into a bowl and mixing with caster sugar. Add a tablespoon of flour, a little lukewarm milk and leave it to rise in a warm place.
The crumble is used to sprinkle the dessert with and to add extra flavour to the yeast pie. The crumble will create a bit of a sweet and crispy layer on top of the dessert.
An easy crumble recipe
The ratio of ingredients to crumble is 2 : 1 : 1 – two parts flour (coarse or semi-coarse), one part butter and one part sugar. The crumble should be crumbly, not greasy. We can add one vanilla sugar to make the cake smell nice.
Yeast dough preparation
Good yeast dough is prepared from ingredients that are at room temperature. In a bowl, wipe the softened butter with sugar into a foam, add egg yolks, sieved flour, salt, leavened sourdough and knead the dough with lukewarm milk. We’ll make it smooth. Well-made yeast dough is very smooth, soft and does not stick. Dust it with a bit of flour, cover the bowl with a cloth and let it rise in a warm place.
Prepare the baking sheet. Grease it and sprinkle with coarse flour, or overlay it with baking paper. Roll the finished dough into a rectangle and place it onto the baking tray. Lay sliced pears evenly onto the dough, sprinkle with cinnamon, lightly sugar and sprinkle with crumb. Let the dessert rise for a bit longer.

Bake the pie in an oven until it turns gold at 180°C for approx. 40 minutes.
Try out other recipes for amazing homemade desserts.